Vrabotuvanje.com - Finance Analyst (m/f/d) - Скопје - АПТИВ СЕРВИСЕС МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Скопје
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Finance Analyst (m/f/d)


Application deadline:



The MRPC position at Aptiv Services Macedonia is planned for a duration of 2 years.

Finance Analyst (m/f/d)

Position Summary

As the Finance Analyst, you will play a key role in review and validate monthly, quarterly and yearly close. If you are analytical person, have high attention to details, enjoy using excel & power point, strong communication, good at managing your position and internal stakeholders, inquisitive and self-motivated you are right person for this position.

To us nothing is impossible, you will have autonomy to explore your curiosity, having fun and celebrating success along the way.

The vacancy is to be positioned in Skopje - Macedonia, and will report to Senior Material Requirement Finance Leader.

Your Role:

  • Adjust balance sheet accounts for accruals and prepare additional journal entries.
  • Prepare reports, review and validate final trail balance for correctness.
  • Provide journal entries to be booked and provide appropriate documentation for reconciliation purposes.
  • Responsible person for internal and external audits.
  • Balance Reconciliation and SOX preparation.
  • MEC and Statutory reporting (tax validation, reports validation for yearly submission)
  • Analyzing expenses actual vs forecast.
  • Explain financial statement and support quarterly and yearly schedules.
  • Management report

Your Background

  • You got Bachelor's degree of Economics.
  • You have minimum 3 years of experience in Finance department with environment to drive effectiveness & efficiency.
  • You have knowledge of SAP system and you are able to communicate effectively & professionally with all levels and areas of business.
  • You have strong accounting and financial skills (reporting, costing, budgeting).
  • You are fluent in English (written and spoken).
  • You have excellent knowledge of MS Office Package, Data Analyst & Business intelligence is advantage
  • You are Curious: Explore your curiosity, challenging the status quo.
  • You are Strategic: Plan ahead adopting future intelligence to break down barriers.
  • You are team worker!

Aptiv Rewards & Advantages

  • Learning, professional growth and development in a world recognized international environment
  • Access to internal & external training, coaching & certifications
  • Recognition for innovation and excellence
  • Opportunities to give back to the community
  • Meaningful work that makes a difference in the world
  • Organized transport and food
  • Social activities and programs
  • Working hours: 08.30 – 16.30

Ве молиме да се пријавите со поднесување на Ваша биографија (CV) на Англиски јазик и диплома од завршено образование преку табот ,,Аплицирај", со креирање на Ваш профил во дата базата на нашата компанија или користење на веќе постоечкиот профил е-маил: Rabota@aptiv.com

Во предмет на меилот наведете ја позицијата за која аплицирате.

Рок за аплицирање за оваа позиција е до 23.03.2025.

Само селектираните кандидати ќе бидат повикани на интервју

Сите пристигнати биографии ќе се третираат со максимална доверливост.Со испраќањето на Вашата кратка биографија, Согласни сте Вашите лични податоци да бидат обработени за потребите на регрутација и селекција од страна на Аптив Македонија и истите да бидат зачувани во дата базата на Аптив.*Напомена: Кандидатите можат во секое време да ја повлечат согласноста за обработка на нивната кратка биографија преку испраќање на известување на електронската пошта: Rabota@aptiv.com


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Average salary in category
Economy, Finance and Accounting amounts to 28.521 MKD.

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