Vrabotuvanje.com - Terms of use

Terms of use


Web-page www.vrabotuvanje.com.mk (hereinafter: Vrabotuvanje.com.mk) is used for employers to post their ads to find a suitable employee, and for personal usage for all jobseekers, employees, to find suitable employment.





1. By accepting the General terms of use I give my approval to Tau on-line Ltd. for cession of data listed in my biography, if I voluntarily declare them as part of the service MojProfil (MyProfile) (by selecting the ''Available to employers'' option), to potential employers for inspection of my biography for potential employment.


2. I accept that my biography, if I choose the ''Available to employers'' option as I have entered here, can be viewed by all employers – visitors of Vrabotuvanje.com.mk web-page. I will not hold Tau on-line Ltd. responsible for any potential damage that I might endure because of misuse of data from my biography by employers or other parties.


3. I will use MojProfil exclusively for searching and finding employment. If a profile is used for any other purpose (for instance, for promotion and selling miscellaneous products and services), it will be blocked and removed from Vrabotuvanje.com.mk web-page, whilst every misuse of profile of that kind is subject to law regulations and Tau on-line Ltd. may initiate proceedings for damage compensation against the perpetrator.





1. Publishing ads on Vrabotuvanje.com.mk is charged in accordance with the Price list. Vrabotuvanje.com.mk does not guarantee veracity of data in employees' biographies. Registered employers can publish ads for openings, modify them afterwards in agreement with Vrabotuvanje.com.mk's recruitment advisors, track statistics of viewing of published ads, search through biography abstracts, and use other advanced functions that are installed or will be in the future.


2. Tau on-line Ltd. holds the right of deleting texts of inappropriate, offensive and discriminatory content according to currently valid regulations of the Republic of Croatia. If the employer does not respect positive regulations, especially those of the Labour Law, Tau on-line Ltd. reserves the right to refuse publishing the ad of that employer. Tau on-line Ltd. also reserves the right to modify the ad: corrections of spelling errors and the structure of content, according to the Rules of publishing openings on Vrabotuvanje.com.mk. The data in Vrabotuvanje.com.mk database is protected according to Article 3 of the Copyright Law in favour of Tau on-line Ltd.


3. The data can only be used as described in these Terms of use. By using the data for any other purpose (copying, transcription, distributing, etc.) without authorisation, especially for mass distribution of reports, promotional messages and similar information, one is acting contrary to the Copyright Law, and is therefore liable to sanctions.


4. Users of the ''Access to biography database'' service on www.vrabotuvanje.com.mk are obligated to sign the Statement of privacy and rules of procedure for using the Access to biography database service before using that service.


These rules are subject to changes and the valid version is considered to be the one currently exposed on www.vrabotuvanje.com.mk.


Tau on line Ltd.


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