The World Bank' s Country Office in Skopje, Macedonia is seeking the services of a Shortterm Receptionist, who will be vvorking under the direct supervision ofthe Country Manager. The appointment is for a nonrenewable position with duration of six months.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Operating the telephone svvitchboard system by taking phone calls/messages, and routing them to a proper source for answering/follow up;
Directing visitors ofthe Country Office;
Taking care of the incoming/outgoing office mail and documentation;
Occasional assistance on operational tasks.
The preferred applicant should have the following qualifications/skills:
Recent university graduate, studies completed within the past year;
Fluency in both spoken and vvritten Macedonian and English;
Excellent Computer skills (MS Office).
The position provides an opportunity to gain familiarity with the operations ofthe WorId Bank, and would therefore best suit a person with an interest in intemational developmenL In addition, the candidate should have excellent interpersonal, organizational, and tirne management skills; should be able to work under pressure and handle several tasks efficiently; should demonstrate excellent client relations skills.
Канцеларијата на Светска банка во Скопје објавува оглас за вработување
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