Vrabotuvanje.com - Друштво за инжинерство и консултантски услуги ДУРОТЕК КОНСАЛТИНГ ДОО Велес

Друштво за инжинерство и консултантски услуги ДУРОТЕК КОНСАЛТИНГ ДОО Велес

  • Адреса: Орце Мартинов 4, 1400 Велес
  • Веб страна: www.durotech.se

 Founded in 2018 Durotech Consulting “Durotechcon” is a consulting company that has offices in Macedonia. We are a part of the Durotech Group located in Gothenburg, Sweden. We mainly focus on Machine Tool Building, and with our offices in Macedonia we are trying to expand into the consulting side of things. We as a company have worked with well-known companies such as Volvo, Atlas Copco, Scania and many more. And surely have the experience to prove for it. Before we started Durotech Consulting, the Macedonian engineers were working together with our Swedish engineers to solve the problems.

Our company is at a size where you can make a real difference with a family feel, and you will wear multiple hats and be part of the journey as we start a new chapter and grow.


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