Друштво за комуникациски услуги A1 Македонија ДООЕЛ Скопје

- Адреса: Плоштад Пресвета Богородица бр.1, 1000 Скопје
- Веб страна: https://www.a1.mk/
- Facebook профил: https://www.facebook.com/A1Makedonija/
- LinkedIn профил: https://www.linkedin.com/company/a1-makedonija/

Explore a career at
A1 Makedonija
At A1 Makedonija, we create new solutions, try out new things and make things happen.We are a diverse team of talented individuals who are full of life, reliable, attentive and forward looking. Together we build a great brand by delivering premium customer experience and digital life for everyone.Our common purpose, strategy and culture follows our “Reason Why”:
Empowering digital life. Our culture is driven by trust, teamwork and an agile way of working within an international background.Our experts are open to new ideas and think in new dimensions – including actively breaking old routines, showing entrepreneurial spirit and taking personal responsibility for professional growth and career opportunities.
We support cross-divisional and cross-country collaboration and we are encouraged to work within international project groups across our company.
Explore the A1 Way
We make it happen!

We believe it lies within our power and responsibility to shape a better future through technology for our customers. With openness, curiosity and creativity we turn visions into reality.
How? Through the dedication, experience and innovation of our teams. Ideas, results and mutual respect are what matters to us, not hierarchies. Reason should have the final say and not status.
We are shaping digitalization
Are you in?

Who are we? Only the ones to drive digitalization further in order to enrich the life of our customers. We put all our power in making their life a little easier, more enjoyable and more productive. And that makes working here more than just a job!
What guides us every day

We believe in our people, because they are the heart of our company. In trust, which governs everything we do. As well as in agility, which keeps us on our toes. Our success is to empower a „can-do“ attitude and never stop till we become our personal best. It is within our power and responsibility to make the things we want to happen actually happen – as One Company.
Enjoy the benefits of being with A1 Makedonija

A1 Makedonija understands the importance of a great employee benefits package. We have a large variety of benefits available and we are always looking to expand.
Are we the perfect match?
Would you like to dive into this new digital world of ours as a marketing automation expert? Or maybe be an agile master, supporting whole teams on their way to success? Or does finding what’s best for your customer as a shop consultant sound more interesting? What about getting first work experience as an apprentice or graduate? All of this is possible and more at A1.