Работодавачот може да го стопира огласот и пред истекот на рокот за пријавување во случај да добие задоволувачки број на апликации или ако го пронајде соодветниот кандидат од веќе пристигнатите апликации.
Position – Workforce Manager
Forecasts call volume demand and other contact demand volume and manages scheduling of sufficiently skilled staff based on historical/planned and anticipated volume across all contacts both short-term, medium-term and long-term.
Monitors real time contact volume both call (Talk Desk) and email/chat (Kustomer) support and associated service levels and staffing requirements.
Trends real time call arrival patterns and adjusts staffing accordingly.
Identify call routing anomalies using real time monitoring applications.
Analyze real time contact center performance for same day staffing adjustments and call routing re-alignments.
Recommendation for staffing requirements to meet forecast demand and communicates shifts to appropriate team members
Moderates use of Paid Time Off, leaves of absence and communicates serves as liaison to Staff Accountant/HR Assistant regarding appropriate communication of agent use
Manage distribution of staff and tasks across all operations teams
Build and manage sophisticated scheduling program for all teams with time sensitive tasks
Customer Support - all channels
Order Processing
Phone order transmission team
Build and manage sophisticated scheduling program for all back office teams
Link Management Team
Scheduling should ultimately cater for:
Extreme flexibility
Balance between employee preferences and business needs
Balance between exceptional service levels and underutilization of scheduled staff
uild and maintain contact and team dashboards
Track individual and team productivity, with driver analysis. Communicate weaknesses and risks to relevant managers
Identify opportunities to increase performance and productivity across Operations
Maintain current and accurate agent group inventory and schedule recruitment / training as
Build out, maintain, and ensure that we operate within agreed upon budget
Collaborate and align with finance team monthly
Systems management
Recommend and implement the best workforce management system to serve business needs for the next 2 years
Own ongoing management of these systems
Maintain current and accurate agent skill set inventory and schedule recruiting / training
Bachelor’s Degree in computer science, statistics, mathematics, finance, general business, accounting or a related field. Equivalent work experience may be substituted for educational requirements.
No less than 5 years managing a WFM team in a high growth and flexible environment
Deep expertise in Workforce Management - forecasting, scheduling, reporting and systems buildout and management
Requires analytical skills, solid mathematics and problem solving backgrounds, proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, Windows operating systems.
Problem solving ability - identify key issues at its core and recommend potential solutions in a logical, commercial way
Ability to challenge the status quo
Flexible, copes well with frequent change
Ability to collaborate with remote and international teams
Able to work with and manage multiple teams in different geographic locations.
Demonstrated strong verbal, written, and presentations skills.
Proactive working style.
Able to work with minimal supervision
Proven ability to meet deadlines with accuracy
Proven ability to multi-task
Demonstrated ability to quickly learn new systems and processes.
Strong documentation skills.
Detail oriented; accuracy is critical.
At Slice we're living the dream, with so many pizza parties, vacations, incredible benefits, and the opportunity to help your favorite local pizzeria succeed. If you feel that you have the necessary experience and are interested in this amazing opportunity, please apply to our website: www.slice.mk
Просечната плата во категоријата ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.
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