Vrabotuvanje.com - Operations Manager - Скопје - Жито Лукс АД Скопје
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Рок за пријавување:

  • Жито Лукс АД Скопје


ELBISCO S.A. is a leading Greek bakery products manufacturer specialized in sweet & savoury snacks, bread, and flour and parent company of Zito Luks.

Zito Luks AD Skopje is confirming its status as a leader in the milling and bakery industry in Republic of Macedonia on a daily basis. The biggest producer of bread and flour for 68 years now is demonstrating great dedication and customer care, continuously incorporating new trends in the food industry. Due to its attributes, such as stability, innovation and focusing on the needs of the customers, Zito Luks is a company, which sets new standards in the production programs, offering on the market rich assortment of products. 

We seek to hire to our subsidiary company in Skopje an: 

Operations Manager
Reporting to the Deputy General Manager 


Why the role exists:

The successful candidate manages the implementation of business guidelines and strategies effectively. S/he is working with other department heads to ensure On Time In Full (OTIF) service to our customers while respecting the high quality standards of our products.

Main Responsibilities:

  •   Manages all activities of the Plants Mill and Bakery, as well as the Research and Development and Quality Assurance Departments. 
  •  Directs and coordinates the activities of his subordinates/ direct reports, in order to achieve the productive targets at the lowest possible cost for the anticipated quality
  • Reviews working practices to ascertain if it is successful and if not, devise an alternative
  • Makes sure health and safety regulations are followed
  •  S/he has a direct personal understanding of how production and quality of the products produced is carried out, allocating a significant proportion of his time to production lines.
  •  Liaises with superior to make decisions for operational activities and sets strategic goals 
  •  Plans and monitors the day-to-day running of business to ensure smooth progress
  •  Supervises staff from different departments and provides constructive feedback
  •  Proposes to the Deputy General Manager conversions or improvements that can increase line capacity, improve labor productivity or reduce waste.
  • -Business Process Improvement (BPI)- 
  •  Evaluates overall performance by gathering, analyzing and interpreting data and metrics
  •  Maintains machines production capacity, labor productivity and plant health, within the limits set by plants targets and specifications. To maintain machine capacity, to the extent that it depends on their condition of preventive maintenance. 
  •  Maintains a consistent quality of products, at the desired quality level (quality standards).
  •  Selects and recruits in collaboration with the Deputy General Manager and HR Manager the managers reporting to him.
  •  Evaluates the performance of his subordinates.
  •  Supports the company's policies in various fields, such as labor relations, product quality, productivity, employee safety, etc., so that they are fully understood and accepted by the production staff.
  •  Performs any work assigned to her/him by the supervisor (special assignments).


Knowledge Skills & Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Business
  • MSc is a must
  • 8-10 years of prior Experience as Operations or Plant Manager 
  • Top tier MS Office skills are essential
  • Excellent English, written and verbal 



  • Strong analytical skills
  • Exceptional attention to detail and high accuracy are critical
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills with aptitude in building relationships with professionals at all organizational levels
  • Project Management, Change Management Skills and BPI
  • Strong Time Management and Priorities Management Skills
  • Analytical and Problem Solving Skills
  • Flexible thinker being able to operate in a changing environment and cope with complexity
  • Results oriented and self-motivating
  • Accountability See it, Own it, Solve it


The Company offers:

  • A competitive remuneration package
  • Continuous opportunities to growth and develop skills


The candidates should send a short biography (CV) in English language, no later than 12th of June 2018, at the following address: Zito Luks AD Skopje, bld. Makedonsko-Kоsovska Brigada no. 44, 1000 Skopje; Human Recourses Department, with a note “Application for job”, or alternatively using the Apply option.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

All applications will be treated with confidentiality.



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