Огласот не е активен. Пријавувањето е невозможно.
Сакаш да знаеш колку заработуваат другите на твоето работно место? Сега е лесно!
Рок за пријавување:
KEMET Electronics Corporation is a leading global supplier of electronic components. We offer our customers the broadest selection of capacitor technologies in the industry, along with an expanding range of electromechanical devices, electromagnetic compatibility solutions and supercapacitors.
We are offering work in international and dynamic environment with experienced and positive colleagues and we would like to attract self-driven individual to support and strengthen our procurement activities.
Procurement Support Specialist
Main responsibilities:
If you are interested in position responsibilities and you are confident with required qualifications and skills, please send your application (CV and Cover Letter), by June 22, 2018, with subject line Procurement Support Specialist / your name and surname to: macedoniacv@kemet.com.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The job applications will be kept in our database for one year.
Просечната плата во категоријата
Останато изнесува 22.029 MKD.
Дознај ја платата за посакуваната позиција според твоите квалификации!