Vrabotuvanje.com - INTERNSHIP: Production Planning Intern - Скопје - Johnson Matthey
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INTERNSHIP: Production Planning Intern


Рок за пријавување:

  • Johnson Matthey

INTERNSHIP: Production Planning Intern
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Clean Air Division supplies one third of all catalysts fitted to cars around the world and is a leading producer of catalysts for trucks and buses too. We use our scientific know-how to create innovative products that play a crucial part in reducing harmful emissions and improving air quality, helping our customers meet legislative requirements globally.
We are pleased to announce open positions in our Internship Programme and we are now seeking pro-active students to join our Planning and Customer service team, interested in full-time internship and gain valuable professional experience.
Key responsibilities
  • Coordination and communication between departments on daily basis 
  • Logging on important information and updating KPI’s
  • Inbound creation for raw materials in SAP 
  • Supporting the team in preparation of analytical reports
  • Processing customer service orders and supporting the team in day to day deliveries confirmation
  • Other appropriate administrative duties  
Are you the ideal candidate?
  • University students in IV year of studies or student of postgraduate studies (Economics/Business)
  • Great knowledge of English language
  • Good organizational & communication skills
  • Team player with good interpersonal skills
  • Self-initiative and proactive toward the work and given tasks
  • Commitment for results accomplishment
Working hours: Monday to Friday 08:30h till 16:30h
How to apply:
If you have the necessary skills and interest to join our team, please send your CV and motivational letter in English using the Apply now option and indicate ‘Internship program’ in the subject field, otherwise your application will not be considered. 
By applying to this position you agree that Johnson Matthey keeps and uses your personal data for company purposes in duration of one (1) year. 
Closing date for applications: 11 July 2018


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