Работодавачот може да го стопира огласот и пред истекот на рокот за пријавување во случај да добие задоволувачки број на апликации или ако го пронајде соодветниот кандидат од веќе пристигнатите апликации.
Ever since KOSTAL was first founded in 1912, we have pursued innovation combined with uncompromising quality. Through this approach, we have come a long way in the last hundred years. Today we are one of the world's leading suppliers of complex electronic and mechatronic products for industrial and automotive applications.
Is it as important to you as it is to us that things continually progress – the technology around your personal skills, your career prospects and us? With us, you can make a difference in all these areas.
Following the successful start-up of the Macedonian Plant in Ohrid we are looking for a Finance Analyst to join our Finance Team.
Reporting to the Finance and Controlling Manager, duties will include:
- Develop, implement, and ensure compliance with internal financial and accounting policies including local tax and regulations
- Ongoing projects in accounting including overseeing of processes and proposing new more effective processes
- Analysis of transactions with key stakeholders (including relevant binding contracts)
- Communication with other subsidiaries and 3rd parties
- Projects and cost centre investments accounting and reporting.
- Supporting local accounting, reporting, tax and compliance processes.
The ideal candidate would have relevant University Degree in Finance, Accounting or comparable background, certification in accounting or auditing will be considered an advantage.
Competencies and experience include:
- Advanced computer skills (Excel)
- Strong analytic and problem solving competence
- Experience with IFRS
- Ability to work to deadlines under pressure
- Team player, Proactive, Well motivated
- Fluent in Macedonian and English language
- Knowledge of German language is an advantage
- Knowledge of SAP system is an advantage
- 3+ years of experience in manufacturing on similar position will be considered a significant advantage
Доколку сте заинтересирани испратете го Вашето CV и писмо за мотивација на Англиски јазик преку полето Аплицирај со назнака Finance Analyst
Ве молиме Вашето CV и писмо за мотивација да биде испратено како MS Word Документ со назнака и наслов за која работна позиција аплицирате, во спротивно Вашата апликација нема да биде разгледана.
KOSTAL Macedonia is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture.
Closing date is 17 July 2018