Огласот не е активен. Пријавувањето е невозможно.
Нема да веруваш колку работодавачите во Македонија плаќаат за твојата работа!
Рок за пријавување:
Oriflame is a cosmetics company that sells high-quality natural skincare and cosmetic products through an independent sales force, outside the traditional retail environment. Oriflame is the largest European beauty company selling direct.
More information about us are available at our global site: www.oriflame.mk
We are looking for a young, hardworking, highly-educated, marketing-oriented teamworker with strong interpersonal skills willing to work in a dynamic environment.
(Part of the Marketing Team based in Skopje)
What we offer:
Working at Oriflame means working in a global company defined by a dynamic culture, meaningful work and professional growth; this is what we offer our employees. Importantly, we recognize their efforts and reward their achievements. This position is planned to be a part-time job (4 hours per day during a week).
Are you a perfect fit for the job?
Please apply as soon as possible using the Apply option below and attach your CV and cover letter in English. We screen the applications continuously. Closing of this job offer is 17th of July.
Просечната плата во категоријата
Останато изнесува 22.029 MKD.
Дознај ја платата за посакуваната позиција според твоите квалификации!