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Нема да веруваш колку работодавачите во Македонија плаќаат за твојата работа!
Рок за пријавување:
HR Specialist (male/female)
KESSLER, with it’s headquarters in Bad Buchau, Germany and subsidiaries in Plymouth, USA; Moscow, Russia; Shanghai, China, Taoyuan, Taiwan and Skopje, Macedonia is an innovative market leader in high-tech components. A comprehensive range of high-tech spindles and spindle systems for different processes, industries and applications are produced by more than 800 employees (male/female). To enhance our team, we are looking for an HR Specialist (male/female) for Skopje plant:
Responsibilities and tasks:
We offer a diversified career opportunity, performance-linked salary as well as free scope in responsible action. If you are interested in our modern and continuously growing company we look forward to receiving your job application.
We look forward to receiving your job application!
We look forward to your complete job application documents. This should include a cover letter, a photograph and a CV.
Please enter additional information about your salary expectations and earliest possible starting date.
Send your application to: Kessler Macedonia DOOEL Ilinden Str.32, N. 21 Ilinden Skopje, Or using the Apply option
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