Огласот не е активен. Пријавувањето е невозможно.
Нема да веруваш колку работодавачите во Македонија плаќаат за твојата работа!
Рок за пријавување:
System Support Engineer
For our branch in Skopje we are looking for a friendly, initiative, service and customer-oriented personality who supports operating and maintaining our IT infrastructure.
As First Level Supporter you serve primarily the Netcetera employees and help with the smooth and professional delivery of services. You help maintain and operate our IT infrastructure (workstation infrastructure, software management, equipping the premises, etc.), work actively in our Service Desk team and use the appropriate processes and tools.
What you bring in
You have a degree in computer science or equivalent and you are fluent in English (written and spoken). You like to work in a team and are familiar with:
Working with Netcetera means...
Просечната плата во категоријата
ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.
Дознај ја платата за посакуваната позиција според твоите квалификации!