Vrabotuvanje.com - Unity technical artist - Скопје - Tab Tale
Испрати на пријател

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Рок за пријавување:

  • Tab Tale

Unity technical artist
TabTale is looking for a Unity Technical Artist to join our fast growing, innovative, developers team.
The Unity Technical Artist will work closely with Game Artists and Developers to create beautiful games!
Why will you love this job?
  • Compositing scenes, characters and other elements in the Unity Editor - including lights, VFX, materials etc. in both 2D and 3D projects
  • Create compelling visual effects and particle systems within mobile limitations
  • Work closely with both art team and developers
  • Designing and maintaining clear naming conventions and organization for Unity files, folder systems, and other hand-off vehicles
  • Predicting and managing asset file-size and performance issues, and optimizing assets for file-size and performance considerations
  • Love and passion for gaming
  • Extensive knowledge in Unity and Adobe creative suite
  • Experience with 3D workflow in Unity
  • Experience in the gaming industry - an advantage
  • Knowledge in writing shaders - an advantage
  • Experience in the mobile and/or games industry - an advantage
Please send your CV using the Apply option.


Просечната плата во категоријата
Останато изнесува 22.029 MKD.

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