Работодавачот може да го стопира огласот и пред истекот на рокот за пријавување во случај да добие задоволувачки број на апликации или ако го пронајде соодветниот кандидат од веќе пристигнатите апликации.
Tab Tale
TabTale, a leading mobile game publisher for the whole family with more than 2B downloads worldwide, is looking for an excellent Mobile Developer to join our best of breed framework Development Team.
2+ years of experience developing in one or more of the following: Java / C# / ObjectiveC
At least one of year experience with mobile iOS app/game development
At least one year of experience with mobile Android app/game development
Some experience with unity platform
Experience with OO design and design patterns
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience with building mobile SDKs – an advantage
Experience with Scrum, TDD and agile development methodologies – an advantage
If You correspond with the requirements above, please send us your CV using the Apply option.
Просечната плата во категоријата ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.
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