Vrabotuvanje.com - Dev-Ops Internship - Скопје - НЕТЦЕТЕРА
Испрати на пријател

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Рок за пријавување:


For our branch in Skopje we are looking for interns to join our Dev-Ops team in the winter of 2019.

If you are a student who is interested in both coding and system engineering, and want to take on bigger challenges to ultimately make sure that mission critical systems are up and running, then this might be the right opportunity for you.

What you bring in

You are a student in computer science, like to work in a team, have good communication skills and you are familiar with or interested in:

  • design and implementation of Java applications
  • basic system engineering (Linux, networking, storage)
  • relational databases and SQL
  • IT Security, Operations and Automation
  • debugging, analysis and profiling

​The Netcetera community

We are a committed international team of professionals. With us, you will learn from a successful Swiss software development company with more than 20 years of experience and more than 500 employees.

During your period here, you will have a dedicated mentor and have the opportunity to participate in our numerous team activities and enjoy the benefits as our regular employees.

The internship will last 4 months with 50% engagement. (2.5 days per week).
Expected start: beginning of February.


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Останато изнесува 22.029 MKD.

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