Vrabotuvanje.com - Warehouse Kipper/Manager - Скопје - ЕУРОЛАБ ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛ ГРУП ДООЕЛ
Испрати на пријател

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Рок за пријавување:

Warehouse Kipper/Manager
  • Responsible for entry / exit of goods, products, inventory according to documentation coming from Import or Internal Buyer and returns to the company
  • Reporting, documenting and tracking damage / expiring as well as material inconsistencies in the entry / Exit
  • Monitor the relocation of goods from the moment of entry to their placement in the coordinates by ensuring the respective quantity, barcode, expiration date and coordinate.
  • Returns
  • Each product returned to the warehouse by the customers / Carriers must have attached the sales order, Tax Invoice, and the invoice with minus signed by the customer for the quantity of goods returned to the warehouse. All documents are attached to the copy of the entry invoice to the warehouse (EI) and sent to the person (Cash dask) to make the return. (Pallets Entrance / Exit also). A copy of EI is given to the Carrier to make the reconciliation at the end of the day in the Ark. On the following day all returns made by the Cashier are checked by the warehousekeeper and attached to the summary report provided by the coordinator.
  • Responsible for the expiration product warehouse.
  • Every Friday day, in cooperation with Finances staff, monitors FD of goods transfer from Mag. Skopje ne Mag. Expired products (Quantity / Expiry date and relevant codes)
  • The inventory of expired products is performed once a month in cooperation with the person in charge of Finance.
  • Entrances
  • All entries in the warehouse (Fiscal / Customs) Import or by internal buyer are verified in quantity / expiration / stamping time / as well as physically due to quantity inconsistency. Follows with placement in cells according to the products, quantities and expirations. Particular attention is paid to products that want to be translated / stuck in order to be delivered before being sent to the cell
  • Partial inventory that is carried out every day is an important part of warehouse retention in compliance with the Company's Inventory Regulation
  • Each Outbound Product must be listed by quantity, description, expiration date, translation, Excise stamps
  • All non-regular products and contrary to company regulations are the responsibility of warehouse manager.
  • Assist you in monitoring the safety and cleanliness of your work environment.
  • Should be faced with the questions regarding Entry / Exit procedures as well as to resolve the different disputes of the goods coming in relation to the expiry dates, bar codes, Damages and other issues ascertained, in accordance with company regulation.
  • Any other assignment related to his functions assigned by the direct superior to the needs of the company.
  • University degree, preferably the Faculty of Economics;
  • Experience in similar positions for at last 3 years and more, experience in FMCG will be an advantage;
  • Knowledge in using Office Packages;
  • Communication and managerial skills;
  • Good knowledge of English, Macedonian (Albanian will be an advantage) language.


Interested candidates can apply by sending a CV using the Apply now option
Please enter the position you apply for at the subject of the email.
The CV of the candidates must be in English Language.


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Производство и Занаетчиство изнесува 24.798 MKD.

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