Огласот не е активен. Пријавувањето е невозможно.
Над 21.000 луѓе ја дознаа вистинската плата за својата работа. Те интересира платата за твоето работно место?
Рок за пријавување:
Python Web Developer
We are looking for a Python web developer to join our smart and nice team for a large scale project with thousands of concurrent users.
Heads up:
We are as interested in your work experience as we are in the kind of person you are. At Melon, we believe there are three key qualities to being a good teammate, as well as client: being smart, being nice and delivering results. This is why beyond your skills, we value character, reason and sense of humor, and we appreciate potential growth.
Our team is supportive, hard-working and friendly and we like to keep it this way. If you would like to join Melon, here’s what you will do most of the time:
What we offer:
What's Key about Melon?
You get an opportunity to tackle challenging work tasks in a dynamic, but supportive organization. Our company culture is people-oriented and informal. This mix attracts good teammates and interesting clients.
To apply, please send us your CV with the position reference in the subject. If you have written relevant code, we encourage you to send an example.
Your application will be treated with confidentiality.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Просечната плата во категоријата
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