Vrabotuvanje.com - Fitness Trainer - Скопје - Hilton Hotels
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Рок за пријавување:

  • Hilton Hotels



Become part of the first ever Hilton in Skopje. DoubleTree by Hilton Skopje is looking for:


Fitness Trainer


Responsible for:

  • Provide, teach and facilitate individual and group exercise instruction and workouts for members and guests
  • Ensure safe exercise practice through observation, correction, assistance and answering questions
  • Ensure current knowledge of exercise techniques and trends
  • Conduct opening and closing procedures, as needed
  • Greet guests and respond to guest inquiries and service issues in a timely, friendly and efficient manner
  • Maintain cleanliness of work area including, but not limited to, the facility, locker rooms, studios, machines and equipment in accordance with state, local and company standards
  • Assist in monitoring facility use to ensure guest safety
  • Perform general Fitness duties, as needed

You can apply by sending your resume using the Apply option​


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Туризам и Угостителство изнесува 20.094 MKD.

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