Vrabotuvanje.com - The greatest (junior) virtual assistant in the world (m/f) - Remote - Sol8
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The greatest (junior) virtual assistant in the world (m/f)


Рок за пријавување:

  • Sol8

Hello wonderful Freelancers!

I'm looking for yet another rockstar VA who can help with regular projects. I want someone who can handle anything and prides themselves on being able to figure out tough problems and works well without a lot of direction.

  • This is for a junior position who will be working with and training under our existing staff.
  • I'm offering a monthly salary of $ 1,000 a month because I'm looking for the best of the best!
  • Please don't apply if you don't have a very strong work ethic and the ability to deliver tasks quickly.

Some examples of tasks might include:

- Build this WordPress website from scratch (make sure it's lightning fast!)
- This WordPress website is showing an error, figure out what's wrong and fix it.
- Design a brochure based on this webpage
- Review this website and make a list of everything that needs to be improved
- Find me the name, email address, and phone number of every dentist in this zip code
- I'm interested in using this new type of software. Take a demo and give me your feedback.
- We just signed up for this new service. Please configure it and make a training video.
- I can't figure out why this isn't working. Please troubleshoot.
- Etc.

If you're interested, please respond with the following:

- A full list of your skills and capabilities (WordPress experience and graphic design are a MUST)
- What hours you're available (in Phoenix, Arizona timezone)
- Confirmation that the monthly rate of $1,000 works for you
- If you were an animal (other than a human), what animal would you be and why?
- What does this quote mean to you personally? "Work is love made visible" - Khalil Gibran

Make sure your message heading reads as follows: "I actually read the instructions" or you won't be considered.

Skills required:

  • Office & Admin (Virtual Assistant)
    • Admin Assistant
    • Personal Assistant
  • English
    • Speaking
  • Webmaster
    • Wordpress
  • Graphics & Multimedia
    • Graphics Editing
    • Web page Design
  • Customer Service & Admin Support
    • Customer Support
    • Email Support
  • Project Management
    • Design Project Management
    • Other Project Management

Please send Your applications using the Fast Apply option.


Просечната плата во категоријата
Маркетинг, ПР и Медиуми изнесува 28.527 MKD.

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