Vrabotuvanje.com - High school Math teacher - Скопје - Меѓународно училиште Новa
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Рок за пријавување:

  • Меѓународно училиште Новa
NOVA International School is the leading co-educational, English medium day school in the country of North Macedonia with educational programs ranging from PK to Grade 12. The school was established in 1997 to offer exceptional opportunities for growth and development to children of expatriates and local families residing in Skopje. NOVA student and faculty body represent 45 different nations and cultures.  

Profile of a Successful Teacher at NOVA
  • genuinely interested in teaching and learning
  • genuinely interested in child development
  • knowledgeable in their subject area
  • values collaboration and teamwork
  • understands the power of community
  • healthy, active, balanced and energetic
  • good sense of humour
  • patient and flexible
  • positive outlook on the world
  • strong work ethic
  • displays a growth mindset, and is committed to becoming a better teacher
  • understands the importance of child safeguarding policies and a criminal record clearance
Nova International School is currently accepting applications for the following position in High School:
  • High school Math teacher
We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic and motivated teachers who believe in developing strong relationships and want to make a real difference in the lives of our students.
If you have a strong command of both written and oral English and you are willing to be a lifelong learner, who thrives on engaging with like-minded colleagues, then this could be a great opportunity for you! You can submit your English application, via email to recruitment@nova.edu.mk, no later than Friday 07.06.2019.
Your application should include a resume (not more than two pages) that includes your full work history, roles and responsibilities, including a recent headshot photo. In addition, you should include a cover letter of no more than one page, that outlines your  motivations for joining the Nova family. Please also submit a statement of your personal educational philosophy. 
If you have any questions in regards to the application process you can contact our HR manager, Ms. Dina Kirovski-Trajkova on 3061-807 ext. 108 or dina.trajkova@nova.edu.mk,  while specific questions in regards to the position should be directed to our High School Principal Ms Biljana Torbakova biljana.torbakova@nova.edu.mk


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