Vrabotuvanje.com - Electric-Motor production employees - Скопје - КЕССЛЕР МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Скопје
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Electric-Motor production employees


Рок за пријавување:



Electric-Motor production employees (male/female)
The Kessler group which has its base in Germany has established a company in Macedonia (near to or in Skopje) for research & development and production of electrical motors, generators and electrical components. Due to this we are looking for employees for the production of components for pm-motors and – generators. They should work on manufacturing, up to installation and final commissioning. We build up a production segment for the fabrication of components like coils, lamination stacks and windings.
Responsibilities and tasks:
  • Working in a production team
  • Producing form coils, motor windings and lamination stacks
  • Assembling and testing of electric motor and generator stators
  • Testing windings for motor-housing clearance, grounds, and short circuits, using clearance gauge, growler, insulation tester, and resistance bridge.
  • Ability to combine mechanical and electrical aspects o Prepare product reports and documentation
  • Re-ensure the product quality
  • Preferable: experience in electrical motor wiring
  • Accurateness
  • Creativity and analytical skills
  • Basic language skills in English or German
  • Professional education as a technician/engineer
Our offer:
  • We provide an attractive job opportunity for highly motivated people
  • Employment at the KESSLER group, with a history of more than 90 years in the development and production of electrical machines
  • 6-12 months period at our company in Germany, costs are covered by KESSLER
  • Best possible prospects for the future
We look forward to receiving your job application!
We look forward to your complete job application documents. This should include a cover letter, a photograph and a CV. Please enter additional information about your salary expectations and earliest possible starting date.
Send your application to: Kessler Macedonia DOOEL Ilinden Str.34, No.1, Ilinden, Skopje, Or using the Apply option.


Просечната плата во категоријата
ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.

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