Работодавачот може да го стопира огласот и пред истекот на рокот за пријавување во случај да добие задоволувачки број на апликации или ако го пронајде соодветниот кандидат од веќе пристигнатите апликации.
FMC Group today is among the leading company in Slovenia as a system integrator in areas of:
ICT Infrastructure
Public Safet
IT process support
Cloud services
FMC Group is looking for the following position:
Network Engineer position
Description of tasks and responsibilities:
Execution of projects dealing with deployment and maintenance of transport and communication networks, with emphasis on integration and information security;
Design and execution of implementation services, integration and maintenance of building blocks and services within transport and communication networks;
Providing self-sufficient technical support (Level 2 and level 3) to customers:
Preparation of documentation and technical education of co-workers and customers, workshop deliveries;
Working in teams for preparation of technical content for customer solution proposals.
Candidate requirements:
At least 3 years of work experience in the field of telecommunication, with design, implementation and maintenance of local, wireless, metro and data center communication networks;
Good knowledge of switching and routing technologies as they apply to complex local, metro or data center networks
Knowledge and competencies in the following fields:
-information security in communication networks,
-assuring high availability
-next Generation Firewalls, safe remote access, data flow tunneling,
-high availability of building blocks and services
Capability of independent implementation and monitoring of deployments and proof-of-concept deployments (including satisfaction surveys);
Troubleshooting and fault resolution capabilities;
Driving license of category B vehicles (personal vehicles);
Candidates with valid certificates of leading hardware vendors will be treated preferentially;
Candidates with confirmed project references on Slovene or EU market will be treated preferentially;
Knowledge of English language (written and spoken) is a must;
Dedicated, motivated, independent and proactive attitude is required;
Candidate should have analytical mind, perseverance and great communication (reading, writing and spoken) skills;
Good teamwork and capability of leading project groups;
Knowledge of IT tools for project management;
Competent candidates that want to continue your career path in successful and homogeneous team of experts are kindly invited to send applications with CV in fifteen days via the Fast Apply option, or to FMC, Sistemski integrator d.o.o., Letališka 32, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Просечната плата во категоријата Продажба изнесува 22.310 MKD.
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