Vrabotuvanje.com - Embedded Software Engineer/Developer - Скопје - КЕССЛЕР МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Скопје
Испрати на пријател

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Embedded Software Engineer/Developer


Рок за пријавување:



Embedded Software Engineer/Developer (male/female)
The Kessler group which has its base in Germany has established a company in Macedonia (near to Skopje) for research & development and production of electrical motors, generators and electrical components. Due to the increased activities, the company is looking for employees for the R&D centar , who will be involved in the development of the projects of the company.
Responsibilities and tasks
  • Develop embedded software for industrial applications
  • Definition of application software -basic software interface and development of Link Layer Software
  • Software project management with component development
  • Collaborate with multi discipline and multi-cultural project team domestic and abroad
  • Support team members in lab o Resolve software related issues
  • Maintain a good communication with superiors and report status to line management
  • A degree in electrical, electronics, computer engineering
  • Strong fundamentals with C/C++ programming in embedded environments
  • Good knowledge of hardware, software embedded system concepts and architectures
  • Good understanding of the embedded software build process (compiling, linking, programming, etc.)
  • Experience of Real Time Operation Systems (RTOS), FreeRTOS would be an advantage
  • Self-starter with the ability to work as part of a team in a fast paced environment with minimal supervision
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to work within diverse teams
  • Experienced in systems engineering approaches to solving problems
  • Preferred experience with low level firmware (hardware/software interface), RS485, TCP/IP communications
  • Preferred experience with low level software development for ARM Cortex M based MCUs (STM32 or Atmel(Microchip) would be an advantage)
  • Preferred experience with AGILE/SCRUM working methodologies and TFS/GIT versioning software tools
  • Beneficial experience in UML
  • Beneficial experience in embedded Linux
  • Very good English skills as well as MS-Office experience o Flexible for short trips abroad
Our offer
  • We provide an attractive job opportunity for highly motivated people
  • Employment at the KESSLER group, with a history of more than 90 years in the development and production of electrical machines
  • Best possible prospects for the future
We look forward to receiving your job application!
We look forward to your complete job application documents. This should include a cover letter, a photograph and a CV. Please enter additional information about your salary expectations and earliest possible starting date.
Send your application to:
Kessler Macedonia DOOEL Ilinden Str.32, No. 21, Ilinden, Skopje or using the Apply option


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ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.

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