Vrabotuvanje.com - Executive Assistant to CEO - Скопје - Финансиско друштво ТИГО Фајнанс
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Executive Assistant to CEO


Рок за пријавување:

  • Финансиско друштво ТИГО Фајнанс
Tigo Finance is a fintech company providing a scope of financial services, including payday and consumer loans operating in emerging markets. Based on the proven experience in the industry and head office in Skopje the company aims to offer consumer finance and microfinance services to private individuals with the most convenient borrowing process for the customer.

Our team consists of finance, IT, and customer care professionals who are experts in their field. Due to geographic expansion, we are inviting ambitious professionals to apply for the position of Executive Assistant to CEO.
Executive Assistant to CEO

We are looking for a professional and loyal Executive Assistant to support our executive in day-to-day tasks and to provide personalized support in a well-organized and timely manner.

Executive Assistant will have to be lively, dynamic, bright and ambitious character, energetic, well-organized, with great time management skills and be able to act without guidance.

Key Responsibilities
  • Act as the point of contact among executive, employees, clients and other external partners;
  • Strong planning capabilities when it comes to appointments, events etc.;
  • Responsible to arrange ALL of CEO’s meetings and basically calendar events;
  • Responsible to organize out of office events and prepare CEO agenda independently (travel and accommodation arrangements included);
  • Format information for internal and external communication – memos, emails, presentations, reports;
  • Be part of 95% of meetings CEO has and be tasked to keep meeting minutes from all of them (setting meetings, calling 3rd parties) and to follow-up based on deadlines;
  • Will need to do most of CEO’s presentation slides, management presentation and/or speeches (in coordination with PR manager);
  • Perform other supportive duties as requested by the executive, such as handling administrative work and documents signing.
Key Skills:
  • Ability to think proactively and prioritize work;
  • Outstanding organizational and time management skills;
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills both in Macedonian and English;
  • Discretion and confidentiality;
  • Strong negotiation skills (via phone, email and in-person);
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills;
  • Detail Oriented

Required Qualifications:
  • Work experience as an Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant or similar role;
  • Relevant educational background;
  • Excellent MS Office knowledge.
The Company will provide:
  • Modern facilities
  • High technology devices and tools
  • Competitive salary
Доколку сметате дека сте вистински кандидат кој може да изгради цврсто фокусирана организациска култура, Ве молиме испратете Ваша биографија и мотивационо писмо на македонски јазик преку полето "Брза Апликација".

Изборот ќе се изврши согласно условите и роковите во Законот за работните односи. ТИГО Фајнанс го задржува правото да не избере ниту еден кандидат.

Со самото аплицирање, кандидатот се согласува неговите лични податоци наведени во биографијата и мотивационото писмо да бидат чувани во базата на податоци и обработувани од ТИГО Фајнанс во рок од 6 месеца од денот на истекот на рокот за избор. Кандидатот има право во секое време да ја повлече дадената согласност за чување и обработка на неговите лични податоци согласно Законот за заштита на лични податоци.

Финансиско друштво ТИГО Фајнанс ДООЕЛ Скопје


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