Vrabotuvanje.com - Continuous Improvement Coordinator - Скопје - Johnson Matthey
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Continuous Improvement Coordinator


Рок за пријавување:

  • Johnson Matthey
Vacancy: Continuous Improvement Coordinator 
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Clean Air Division supplies one third of all catalysts fitted to cars around the world and is a leading producer of catalysts for trucks and buses too. We use our scientific know-how to create innovative products that play a crucial part in reducing harmful emissions and improving air quality, helping our customers meet legislative requirements globally.
We are now seeking a strong, analytical and pro-active Continuous Improvement Coordinator to join our CI team on the Skopje Site. 

Key responsibilities
  • Close follow ups of TPM projects within the site
  • Processing and prioritising of work requires
  • Report daily to the CI Supervisor
  • Closely collaborate with the Lean coordinators and Lean System specialist 
  • Constant update and follow up for every project on myJM TPM page
  • Initiate and support CI activities through departments 
  • Supporting projects performed by departments
  • Roll out and ensure structural and methodological project execution 
  • Identify and develop project leaders’ skills 
  • Builds strong network with local organisations to share best practice  
  • Have regular and appropriate level of communication with project leaders, reviewing project status and timings. Present and spread feedback relevant to project 
  • Operates within highly complex manufacturing site and all levels
  • To take on any other duties which are within the employee’s skills and abilities whenever reasonably instructed
Are you the ideal candidate?
  • Bachelor’s degree 
  • Excellent understanding of CI Lean Manufacturing Principles and its tools and techniques
  • 2 years min experience of implementing CI culture
  • Ability to drive manage and implement change and manage projects and team resources
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Experience of problem-solving methods (4CP, 5W+1H, Isikawa diagram)
  • Knowledge of value stream mapping and future state planning
  • High level of computer literacy and fully conversant in Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Operational knowledge of manufacturing process/supporting activities.
Working hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30
How to apply:
Internal applicants should advise their line manager before applying.
If you have the necessary skills and experience to join our team, please apply on the following link:
By applying to this position, you agree that Johnson Matthey keeps and uses your personal data for company purposes in duration of one (1) year. 
Closing date for applications: 15 September 2019


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