Vrabotuvanje.com - Fees and Budgets Coordinator - Скопје - Меѓународно училиште Новa
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Fees and Budgets Coordinator


Рок за пријавување:

  • Меѓународно училиште Новa


Job vacancy for Fees and Budgets Coordinator

NOVA International School is the leading co-educational, English medium day school in the country of Macedonia with educational programs ranging from PK to Grade 12. The school was established in 1997 to offer exceptional opportunities for growth and development to children of expatriates and local families residing in Skopje. 
The NOVA Faculty and Staff reflect the diversity of the student population. Currently, there are 160 faculty and staff members representing 11 countries with the majority coming from Macedonia, United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 
Nova International School is currently accepting applications for the following position:
  • Fees and Budgets Coordinator


  • B.A. Degree in Business; advanced education and certification in accounting, preferred;
  • Several years of experience in financial accounting and bookkeeping;
  • Excellent English language skills including reading, writing, spoken and understanding; good listening skills;
  • Certification and/or advance training with computer hardware and software programs;
  • Experience with data reporting and analysis;
  • Positive interpersonal and communication skills.


  • Manage and report cost centers/budget line items;
  • Assist Manager in preparing annual budget/cash flow statements;
  • Track, collect, and report additional fees, outside of tuition and capital fees.
If you have the above stated qualifications, feel free to submit your English application, via email to recruitment@nova.edu.mk, no later than Sunday 15.12.2019.
Your application should include a resume (not more than two pages) that includes your full work history, roles and responsibilities, including a recent headshot photo. In addition, you should include a cover letter of no more than one page, that outlines your  motivations for joining the Nova community. 
All the documents should be sent as a merged PDF document.
If you have any questions in regards to the application process you can contact our HR Manager, Ms. Dina Kirovski-Trajkova via e-mail: dina.trajkova@nova.edu.mk.


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Образование и наука изнесува 22.985 MKD.

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