Vrabotuvanje.com - Continuous Improvement Engineer - Скопје - Ван Хоол Македонијa
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Continuous Improvement Engineer


Рок за пријавување:

  • Ван Хоол Македонијa

VAN HOOL MACEDONIA DOOEL Ilinden, a reputable Belgian bus manufacturer, located in Technological Development Industrial Zone – Skopje 2, in Bunardzik, Ilinden with contact phone number (02) 551-2851, offers new employment possibilities for a currently open vacancy: 

Continuous Improvement Engineer


  • Bachelor degree or equivalent, in technical engineering discipline
  • Strong command in English language
  • Minimum 2 years of relevant working experience
  • Possessing basic statistical knowledge, as well as ability to learn and apply statistics to  process and product improvement projects
  • Experience in Six Sigma and possessing of a Black Belt certificate would be an advantage

Purpose of the position:

  • Establishing and deploying of standard work for lean manufacturing system while utilizing the appropriate toolsets and methodologies
  • Running of projects to deliver project cost, quality, and time objectives


If you are interested in applying for this position, please apply via our recruitment site www.vanhool.mk.

Only selected candidates will be invited to an interview. By submitting your CV you agree for it to be preserved in our database of candidates for a period of 12 months.

Application deadline: 31/12/2019


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