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Над 21.000 луѓе ја дознаа вистинската плата за својата работа. Те интересира платата за твоето работно место?
Скопје и Битола
Рок за пријавување:
Netcetera supports continuous professional development. The strongest points of our community are respect, loyalty, reliability and commitment. We commit to culture, education, recreation and society.
We do the planning and scheduling of the entire Swiss and international Rail Systems, digitalization of Health Care and product development for the Publishing Media Industry.
Our teams work with agile development methodologies and use latest technology. Netcetera specialists are part of an extensive network within the IT industry.
Find more info about our UX practices here.
Apply and be part of a client-oriented culture.
Your Tasks
Your Profile
The Netcetera Community
We are a team of experts who work together to design and develop software. Founded in 1996 in Switzerland, our more than 500 employees are working with the latest technologies in Germany, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Austria and in the United Arab Emirates.
In addition to professionalism and internationality, we foster close and supportive exchange among colleagues. At Netcetera, we share our expertise and appreciate different approaches and working cultures. We strengthen our team spirit and enthusiasm for what we do through changing projects and teams as well as outings and events.
More info: netcetera.com
Apply for this position using the application form on the right.
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