Vrabotuvanje.com - Cabin crew / Flight attendant (m/f) - Скопје - Wizz Air
Испрати на пријател

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Cabin crew / Flight attendant (m/f)


Рок за пријавување:

  • Wizz Air


Wizz Air invites you for open recruitment day! We are hiring for our SKOPJE base.

Please join us in the following location:
Date: 21 August 2021 09:00 am sharp
Location: Hotel Tim's Apartments, str. Orce Nikolov 120, 1000, Skopje

We are looking for cheerful people full of energy, who would like to join us as a Flight Attendant / Cabin Crew!  
This is an Open recruitment event, so no invitation is needed for joining - just please, come to the above location at given time and date.

What can I expect during the event? 

  • Short personal introduction
  • Situational roleplay
  • Team play
  • Company presentation
  • Interview

When should I arrive?  

  • The introduction will start sharply on time at 9:00 a.m., so please arrive accordingly!

What should I take with me?  

  • An up-to-date English CV and colour ID photo.

How long does the event last?  

  • Please be prepared that it may take till the late afternoon.

How is the life of a WIZZ Cabin crew member?  

  • Making excellent customer service and creating a friendly atmosphere onboard
  • Managing in-flight sales and cash handling
  • Properly executing the duties related to the safety of the aircraft and the passengers, while maintaining consistency with the highest ethical standards
  • Welcoming passengers with a smile and helping them during the flight
  • Arriving at work on time, adequately rested and properly groomed in order to manage these tasks on the
    highest level


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