Vrabotuvanje.com - Production Supervisor - Скопје - ДУРА АУТОМОТИВЕ ДООЕЛ Илинден
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Рок за пријавување:


Production Supervisor



  • Ensures manufactured/assembled components are processed in the most efficient and cost effective manner following prescribed engineering specifications and quality standards.
  • Continuously analyzes manufacturing processes/programs and takes a positive approach to develop and implement improvements in productivity and quality. Utilizes statistical tools to assist in root cause analysis and process improvement.
  • Ensures production requirements comply with customer quality standards and provides direction and guidance in the development and maintenance of requisite Standard Operating Procedures and work instructions to enable the consistent processing of quality parts. Directs compliance with established precepts outlined within such standards as TS 16949, ISO 14001, etc.
  • Participates in annual budget, capital and strategic planning by providing information on manufacturing related requirements and capabilities.
  • Acts as liaison with department heads to assist in improving product quality through modifications in the manufacturing processes.
  • Reviews and approves purchase requisitions to facilitate the manufacturing process.
  • Provides grievance and personal counseling and communicates to all employees information regarding policies, procedures and operational changes.
  • Administers direct supervisory responsibility for manufacturing, maintenance and shipping/receiving personnel including selection, hiring, training, performance evaluations, promotional recommendations and developing work schedules.
  • Provides direction, coordination and influence in the training of personnel occupying manufacturing supervisory positions to develop essential leadership, interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Coordinates and communicates with plant scheduling function to ensure thorough understanding of capacity utilization and equipment/tooling shortcomings in order to meet customer demands.
  •  Coordinates the development and implementation of a proactive continuous improvement program, which effectively utilizes the Kaizen process and philosophy to optimize quality, productivity and profitability.
  • Assists in supplier development by articulating manufacturing expenses generated as a cost of non-conformance. Actively participates in applications engineering program directed toward improved productivity and quality.
  • Maintains overall responsibility for ensuring a safe, clean work environment and notifies appropriate support departments of actions required to improve the safety and material condition of the facility.


  • B.S. Engineering
  • 3 years manufacturing experience

If you are interested, please send your CV using the Fast Apply option.


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