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Рок за пријавување:
Company Introduction
Synami is a software development company, laser-focused on clients and their specific requirements. Our full range of software solutions is being used by over 4,500 companies ranging from micro-companies all the way to 70% of the large Fortune 500 enterprises. Our team of professionals lives and breathes innovation, which when blended with a passion for design and development produces high-quality products. Our portfolio of products has been recognized by customers in over 172 countries on the globe.
Job description
As a Java Backend Developer, you’ll work closely with experienced developers and have a chance to bootstrap projects, scale, migrate and maintain existing ones. As a company, we strive to follow industry trends and always be on top of technology.
We expect you to be highly professional, solution-oriented with a focus on the client’s business needs and be open to mentor new hires and junior developers.
Other Optional Qualifications:
If you are interested, please send your CV using the Fast Apply option.
Просечната плата во категоријата
ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.
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