Vrabotuvanje.com - Junior (Trainee) Web Developer - Скопје - Scandiweb
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Junior (Trainee) Web Developer


Рок за пријавување:

  • Scandiweb




 free training




Working closely with big brands and building powerful websites is challenging and rewarding! And to do it without previous work experience?! We say YES!

Maybe you are thinking about buying a new car - Ford, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, BMW, Jaguar, or Land Rover? We built their sites to sell their cars. Do you know the colorful and happy socks? Yes, we built the HappySocks webstore!

Using L'Oreal or Lancome makeup and skincare products? That's our customer! Running in PUMA shoes? Their eCommerce store was made by Scandiweb! Buying tickets at airBaltic.com or visiting THE MET museum in New York? Websites made in Scandiweb! Enjoying… Hmm… Yeah, we made an official Durex site too!

We are the #1 eCommerce Agency in the world and it takes a lot to push the boundaries and stay ahead! Join us and be part of the ambitious journey!

What is a day as Junior Developer Trainee?

  • Your first day and even a few weeks will be dedicated to onboarding, learning the tools we use, processes we follow, company history, and culture. You will set up your workspace and workstation and equip it with the necessary apps.
  • Once that is done, you will have your EDU tasks, where you start to use learned tools. The task usually is a small part of a real project that you will perform under the guidance and supervision of a dedicated mentor. There will be no time pressure, but we do expect commitment to quality. We expect you to take as much time as necessary, but to learn what it takes to produce Quality Work.
  • Afterwards, you will have more and more independence in figuring out your way of coding and achieving solutions, getting more complex tasks, helping others, and making steady steps to become a full-time Software Engineer!

Our PROMISE to you!

  • You will start your career in the hottest post-pandemic industry now - eCommerce
  • You will get to work with enterprise-level products from Adobe Experience Cloud
  • You will work with large clients gaining experience, and build your CV on top brands in the world
  • We will teach you correct development workflow - Git, version control, and CI/CD practices
  • You will learn modern and popular tools such as Jira, Notion, Confluence, GitHub, VS Code, PHPStorm, AWS products family
  • You will have paid training time - we have a large library of DOCs and EDU to make the first steps
  • We will assign you a mentor - a colleague who will support you in the first months of work
  • You will have a frequent assessment to upgrade your career from trainee to junior developer and then to engineer, senior developer, and Team Lead

What do we expect from a Junior Developer Trainee?

  • The title says it all - we expect you to be a real Junior, who is eager to absorb information and advice from mentors as a sponge, break things, try again, break and try again until you build a stable framework of knowledge around the things you are doing.
  • But to join successfully, it is expected to have basic knowledge and skill of PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery, MySQL. Either you've learned that in the University, or during late nights on YouTube watching tutorials, or just learned your way around the code. We don't expect WORK experience, but starting knowledge is required.
  • The second part, being a Trainee - do not expect to start work in the first days or weeks. You will train, learn, get feedback and support. Training will stay with you permanently, while you are at Scandiweb - we have a continuous training program, so there are small bits of education every week and month! We help everybody to build a rich and robust software engineer competency framework!

How to Apply?

  • Apply to this Job Ad!
  • Fill out the necessary details and we will get back to you very soon with the next steps
  • Wonder what those are? Usually a test assignment and a technical interview!

To pass the test successfully you need to have a basic understanding of the web applications built on PHP, MySQL, HTML, and CSS. In your EDU course you will learn React, GraphQL, deploy to cloud environments built on Kubernetes, but your first step requires only the basics of the web!

NOTE! If you are starting your journey with us remotely, you will need to have your own hardware setup. We recommend having the following minimum specifics: CPU i5 (or AMD equivalent), SSD 512GB, and RAM 16GB. After the probation period hardware upgrade can be agreed upon.

What are the benefits?

  • Get the best Dev training in the #1 eCommerce Agency in the world - we give a big focus on our employee learning and growth
  • Work on the most challenging and the biggest projects globally
  • Be part of a multinational team delivering to customers in more than 70 countries!
  • Enjoy our first online office, where everybody is connected no matter their location
  • Get support to organize your home office or enroll in a coworking space
  • Health insurance, Crowdbonus from your colleagues
  • Library, certifications, events, and so much more!

Yes, we do have semi-automated recruitment processes BUT - each CV is evaluated personally by our recruitment team! So no need to hesitate if you don't have a grand CV to show - apply, take a chance, and join us!



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