Vrabotuvanje.com - IT Administrator - Тетово - КИЕЛ МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Желино
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Рок за пријавување:


KIel Group is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of passenger seating systems for buses and rail vehicles on the local, regional and intercity level.

Within its companies located in Germany, Poland, Turkey, Netherlands, Spain, France, USA and Russia and with round 1.700 employees, Kiel is a strong and reliable partner to satisfy the needs of its customers.

Around the globe, Kiel is acknowledged for its high-quality products, unrivaled expertise, know-how and its dedicated workforce. With the new company “Kiel Macedonia”, located in Zhelino (Tetovo), Kiel will continue its engagement for their customers, by producing seats for buses and railway.

For our branch in Zhelino, we are looking for a talented, experienced and initiative personality in the following position:



  • Manage servers, security solutions, network hardware, telecommunications infrastructure and equipment;
  • Manage financial aspects of the IT Department, including purchasing, budgeting, and budget review;
  • Install and maintain desktop computer hardware; including computers, monitors, printers, modems, internal cards, and other computer equipment;
  • Develop and implement all IT policies and procedures, including those for security, disaster recovery, purchasing, and service provision;
  • Perform systems upgrades, installations, conversions, and file maintenance;
  • Diagnose and rectify a wide range of complex computer hardware and software problems;
  • Provide advanced technical assistance and comprehensive problem resolution to end users.

Requirements and qualifications:

  • Relevant High school degree;
  • Advanced knowledge of a wide range of computer systems software, applications, hardware, networking, and communications;
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a diverse community;
  • Minimum 3 years expertise in the area of IT;
  • Proficient English language user.


  • Organized transport;
  • Personal protective equipment;
  • Daily meals;
  • Committed team members with broad experience who share a common passion to build a world class business.
Our offer:
Of course, we offer a compensation package that matches your qualifications. More importantly, we offer you a work environment that gives you the opportunity to steadily further develop. You will work in different projects. You and your manager regularly reflect on and make plans for your development and interests. Kiel is international and inclusive organization where it is easy to connect with colleagues. 

Further information and application:

You are welcome to contact us on via Fast Apply option for further information about the position. Please send your application in English with notice for the position “IT administrator.” 

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


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ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.

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