Vrabotuvanje.com - Italian Speaking Customer Service Consultant - Brno - Vrabotuvanje.com за клиентот
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Italian Speaking Customer Service Consultant

Brno, Република Чешка

Рок за пријавување:

Работодавач: Vrabotuvanje.com за клиентот


In the name of a well-established client in the airline industry we are looking for a
Italian Speaking Customer Service Consultant

Key responsibilities: 
  • Book flights for the passengers 
  • Provide information for the customers while following provided policies 
  • Help passengers with online check-in 
Key competencies and skills:  
  • Excellent written & verbal communication in English and Italian: C1 level 
  • Solid understanding of computer systems and software
  • Good organization skills and attention to detail
  • Minimum high school diploma 
Employee benefits:
  • Relocation package (accommodation, travel costs)
  • Support during the visa process 
  • Amazing flight privileges
  • Great teams and amazing people on board 
  • Professional in-house training - tailored approach to expand your skills
  • Transparent and fair salary structure, clear salary progress
  • Lunch compensation, Cafeteria, increased vacation days
  • Work at the heart of Brno

If interested please send your CV through the field Fast Apply


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