Vrabotuvanje.com - Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Скопје - АПТИВ СЕРВИСЕС МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Скопје
Испрати на пријател

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Electrical and Mechanical Engineers


Рок за пријавување:



Aptiv Services Macedonia is expanding the business activities, therefore we need additional

Electrical and Mechanical Engineers


Your Role

  • You will be responsible for setup, installation, maintenance and optimization for all machines & processes (coating, dispensing, stitching, screwing, selective soldering, de-paneling, presfit, cover assembly process, vibration welding).
  • You will be responsible for creation of programs on our machines, optimization and you will have opportunity to use your programing skills.
  • You will be responsible for creation, maintain and follow up on reflow profiles and selective soldering machines profiles respecting specific product/component requirements.
  • You will be responsible for automatic optical inspection and customer mechanical interface visual inspection machines, program optimization and improvements as per customer requirements
  • You will be directly involved in the production process providing solutions, improvements and upgrading of specific software and equipment

Your Background

  • You got Bachelor's degree in Electrical or Mechanical studies or you are student in your last semester
  • Work experience is not needed
  • You have knowledge of MS Office Package and you have knowledge of English language (written and spoken).

Aptiv Rewards & Advantages

  • Learning, professional growth and development in a world recognized international environment
  • Access to internal & external training, coaching & certifications
  • Recognition for innovation and excellence
  • Opportunities to give back to the community
  • Meaningful work that makes a difference in the world
  • Organized transport and food
  • Social activities and programs
  • Working hours: 08:30 – 16:30

Some see differences. We see perspectives that make us stronger.

Diversity and Inclusion are sources of innovation and creativity, both of which are essential to Aptiv’s success. Everyday our diverse team comes together, drives innovation, pursues solutions, and meets challenges using their unique abilities, perspectives and talents, changing what tomorrow brings. When you join our team, you’ll get encouraged to think boldly, express your viewpoint and innovate as a matter of habit.

Some See Technology. We See a Way to Make Connections.

At Aptiv, we don’t just see the world differently; we work to change reality. That means developing technology that rewrites the rules of what’s possible in the pursuit of making transportation safer, greener and more connected. Today there are more than 180,000 of us globally, located in 44 countries, and united by one mission. Join the movement and together, let’s change tomorrow.

Ве молиме да се пријавите со поднесување на Ваша биографија (CV) на е-маил: Rabota@aptiv.com

Во предмет на меилот наведете ја позицијата за која аплицирате.

Рок за аплицирање за оваа позиција е до 18.06.2023.

Само селектираните кандидати ќе бидат повикани на интервју

Сите пристигнати биографии ќе се третираат со максимална доверливост.

Со испраќањето на Вашата кратка биографија, Согласни сте Вашите лични податоци да бидат обработени за потребите на регрутација и селекција од страна на Аптив Македонија и истите да бидат зачувани во дата базата на Аптив.

*Напомена: Кандидатите можат во секое време да ја повлечат согласноста за обработка на нивната кратка биографија преку испраќање на известување на електронската пошта: aptiv.hr.macedonia.staffing@aptiv.com


Просечната плата во категоријата
Машинско инженерство и Бродоградба изнесува 26.404 MKD.

Дознај ја платата за посакуваната позиција според твоите квалификации!


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