Огласот не е активен. Пријавувањето е невозможно.
Над 21.000 луѓе ја дознаа вистинската плата за својата работа. Те интересира платата за твоето работно место?
Рок за пријавување:
Provided private health insurance and career progress according to personal achievements, monthly and quarterly bonuses for safe and responsible work, payment of the maximum regress of annual leave, stable and secure work in accordance with all legal regulations. These are just some of the benefits we offer.
Our company, Makstil AD Skopje (www.makstil.com) is part of a global group, with a long-standing tradition and reputation on the world market in the metal manufacturing industry. This allows us to offer the best working conditions to our employees.
Currently, in our Controlling team, the following job position is opened:
Job Description:
Required Qualifications:
Additional Qualifications:
If you want to become part of our team and you wish to learn new things, send your short resume to kariera@makstil.com.mk, with an indication of the position you are applying for, no later than 16.05.2024.
Makstil AD Skopje provides equal opportunities for employment to all candidates and takes special care of the protection of personal data and the confidentiality of your application.
According to the Personal Data Protection Law, your application and data will be used exclusively for employment purposes for the controlling specialist position and will be deleted from our database within 5 days after concluding an employment contract with the selected candidate.
Просечната плата во категоријата
Инсталации, Одржување и Поправки изнесува 24.722 MKD.
Дознај ја платата за посакуваната позиција според твоите квалификации!