Vrabotuvanje.com - IT Administrator - Росоман - Синцеритас АД Скопје
Испрати на пријател


Рок за пријавување:

  • Синцеритас АД Скопје
  • Адреса: Ул.Никола Кљусев бр.11, 1000 Скопје


At SINCERITAS, we cultivate and process pharmaceutical-grade cannabis into medicinal products to improve patient health and provide relief. Offering cutting-edge solutions for numerous medical needs, we strive to meet every client’s unique requests by tailor-making each product.
We are a team of experienced science professionals that use industry-standard practices in agricultural and pharmaceutical techniques to manufacture high-quality medicinal cannabis products consistently and reliably. Our products are developed to retain all of the plant’s essential components and ensure a maximum medicinal effect, particularly in patients with rare and difficult-to-treat conditions.
Through ongoing scientific research and development, we aim to unlock the full therapeutic potential of cannabis, opening the doors to new and revolutionary medical treatments.
Sinceritas is made up of talented diverse team of over 60 employees who deliver innovative solutions that add value across a variety of Business Service functions. Our company culture is build on three pillars: Science.Progress.Trust
SINCERITAS offers premium workspace at our facility in Rosoman and administrative office in Skopje. 

Candidates who apply must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in information technology or relevant certifications.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience.
Knowledge of:
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019
  • Computer imaging, packaging, and software deployment
  • Office365, SharePoint 365, Microsoft Teams, Exchange
  • Network connectivity, LAN and VLAN administration, and configuration of HP switches
  • basic knowledge of Linux
  • basic knowledge of PowerBI

Responsibilities and tasks:
  • Monitoring and maintaining networks and servers.
  • Upgrading, installing, and configuring hardware and software.
  • Implementing security protocols and procedures to prevent potential threats.
  • Detailed checking, diagnosing, and resolving computer problems and interruptions.
  • Communication maintenance with other system users.
  • Management of systems for Access Control and Time Attendance

Candidates for the required position are expected to possess the following skills, abilities, and personal qualities:
  • Organization and efficiency
  • Teamwork capability
  • Ability to work under pressure, make decisions, and be decisive
  • Research ability, task evaluation, initiation, and recommendation of new products, services, tools, technologies, and equipment
  • Detailed understanding of business processes and application of technology

Additional information: Candidates who meet the above conditions can send their CVs via Fast Apply.

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