Vrabotuvanje.com - Customs and transport analyst (m/f/d) - Скопје - АПТИВ СЕРВИСЕС МАКЕДОНИЈА ДООЕЛ Скопје
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Customs and transport analyst (m/f/d)


Рок за пријавување:



Aptiv Services Macedonia is expanding the business activities and processes,
therefore we need additional

Customs and transport analyst (m/f/d)

Position Summary

As the Customs and transport analyst, you will play a key role in import and export transactions, transmits information to transport customs services, provides information and/or advice and acts a contact person.

To us nothing is impossible, you will have autonomy to explore your curiosity, having fun and celebrating success along the way.

The vacancy is to be positioned in Skopje - Macedonia, and will report to the Customs and transport Leader.

Your Role:

  • Executes and monitors all kinds of documentation related customs and transport (customs documents, invoices, international waybills, documents related to the transport carrier, etc.).
  • Handles technical explanations for complex customs imports and exports.
  • Implement processes for import and export to the type of process for customs clearance (example temporary inward processing).
  • Delegate and coordinate the preparation of export documentation for land, sea and air transport different types of goods.
  • Requires offers for delivery of raw materials/spare parts/equipment.
  • Closing of open items resulting from the indicator for monitoring the transport costs.
  • Ensure compliance with import/export regulations/customs regulations, legal and health and safety requirements, customer requirements and ISO Audits.

Your Background

  • You got Bachelor's degree in Economics or Technical studies, preferable with relevant experience in electronics production.
  • You have Minimum 2 years of experience in customs and transport, customs processes and regulations.
  • You have Excellent knowledge of import/export regulations/customs regulations.
  • You are fluent in English (written and spoken).
  • You have excellent knowledge of MS Office Package.
  • You are Curious: Explore your curiosity, challenging the status quo.
  • You are Strategic: Plan ahead adopting future intelligence to break down barriers.
  • You are team worker!

Aptiv Rewards & Advantages

  • Learning, professional growth and development in a world recognized international environment
  • Access to internal & external training, coaching & certifications
  • Recognition for innovation and excellence
  • Opportunities to give back to the community
  • Meaningful work that makes a difference in the world
  • Organized transport and food
  • Social activities and programs
  • Working hours: 2 shifts

Ве молиме да се пријавите со поднесување на Ваша биографија (CV) на е-маил: Rabota@aptiv.com

Во предмет на меилот наведете ја позицијата за која аплицирате.

Рок за аплицирање за оваа позиција е до 17.02.2025.

Само селектираните кандидати ќе бидат повикани на интервју.


Просечната плата во категоријата
ИТ, Телекомуникации изнесува 45.517 MKD.

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