USAID/Macedonia Support Initiative (MSI)
Short-Term Position: Administrative Coordinator
MSI seeks qualified Administrative Coordinator to support international consultants conducting ICT strategy development, the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA), the National ICT Council, and the operational body of the National ICT Council’s Secretariat. The Administrative Coordinator will support these entities in general administrative functions, inclusive of the translation, logistics, and operational support necessary to maximize the benefit of the technical assistance.
All interested applicants should be flexible and able to perform within a team and independently. Applicants should hold a University Degree in a relevant field of study and be fluent in Macedonian and English, both written and verbal; proficiency in Albanian will be highly considered. The successful applicant will have strong, previous experience in administration, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of donor-funded activities, and have strong computer skills, inclusive of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and internet research. All applicants must be organized, solutions-oriented, and able to prioritize multiple tasks.
Македонска иницијатива за поддршка, проект финансиран од УСАИД, објавува оглас за Административен Координатор.